Hi There,
I'm Ashish Patel

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About Me

About Me

I'm Ashish Patel

Web Developer

I am a Web developer currently in Gwalior, MP. I am a Information Technology student pursuing from Madhav Institute Of Technology & Science Gwalior, I am very passionate about improving my coding skills & developing applications & websites. I build WebApps and Websites using PHP. I am more inclined towards backend development and have keen interest in AI and ML. Continuosly working on myself for improving my skills.

age: 21

phone : +91 7987047208

email : iamashish761@gmail.com

place : Gwalior, India - 474005

My Education

Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology-Internet of things

Madhav institute of technology and science Gwalior

2021-2025 | CGPA: 7.92/10 till 6th samester

Higher Secondary | Physics-Chemistry-Mathematics


2019-2020 | Percentage: 78%

Secondary | General


2017-2018| Percentage: 86%

Skills & Abilities

Projects Made


tmovies2 is a sleek React app using the TMDB API, showcasing movie details with intuitive navigation and responsive design, enhanced by Tailwind CSS.


Create an online shopping site where you can buy any type of product.

task management app

Developed a dynamic TASK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM that enables employee to see their task given by their project manager and also he is able to apply leave and admin is able to give the task to employees and approve or reject the leave

Coding Forum

create a coding forem website where you can ask any type of coding doubts and also post your doubts

Google clone

build a google clone which have all tha funcanilities like google

Alex-voice assistent

devlop a voice based virtual assistent which have meny funcinalities such s sending email and playing any video in youtube

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